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Juveniles Understanding Discipline Order & Service

"Educating our Youth to make Educated Choices"

What is JUDOS

JUDOS is a non-profit organization consisting of concerned parents, community leaders, local, city and county law enforcement, all of whom are dedicated to making a difference. 

How we Help

JUDOS has helped develop exciting, educational and innovative workshops and activities for Bay County youth as a means of crime and substance abuse prevention as well as intervention.


Our Goal

JUDOS is committed to keeping Bay County teens positively motivated, encouraged, and out of trouble through education, in part, with our programs.



  • JUDOS provides participants with critical social and academic skills to help them better recognize, acknowledge, express, and resolve any problems or peer pressure they may encounter. 

  • Among the highlights of JUDOS is a program, “We Are the People,” that works to build trust and create a positive rapport between our youth and local law enforcement.

  • JUDOS mentors provide participants with one-on-one attention in order to ensure that no one seeking assistance “falls through the cracks”.


1700 E. 11th St

Panama City, FL 32401

Telephone:  (850)  257-5239

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